The story begins as the Circle-Of-Doom gang were violently swept away by an unknown force. They discover themselves back in medieval times and that they were bestowed with a special power and an item each on their way through the time portal.
Please introduce your names/nicks, and decide for yourselves a kind of power(specific, as in there's only 1 thing you can do with that power), and an item(can be animal or plant also) that will be given to you during the time-travel. No 'genie' kind of powers allowed. heh.
And all continuations to be in comments. Aye!
You find yourselves in a bar of a deserted ghost town. There's no one in the bar except for a strange, mysterious looking man drinking ale by himself and a dog sleeping next to him.
Gwydion: I ask the man what happened to everyone else.
The man laughs to himself and mumbles something about onions. He casts a spell on the dog which turns into a Cerberus, and vanishes thru a door in the floor.
The dog, now an enchanted Cerberus, stands gaurd over the door.
As e beast growls, baring it's teeth in all 3 heads, drools as it looks at our small party. hineko's 1st reaction upon seeing e monstrous animal.
hineko: "AW!! DOGGY!!'
n jumps over to try n pat it~
The Cerberus played with hineko and got so carried away that its drool splashed all over her. However it did not move from gaurding the door.
Gwydion turns into a cheetah and runs around the cerberus hoping the feline form will distract the canine cerberus.
The creature watches him for awhile but remains in its place. Then it detected a scent in the air and began to sniff alot. One of the heads began to yawn..
stunfish: i search the bar and found a bag of onions in the corner. i throw it to Gwydion immediately cos i can't hold them for long. =P
Gwydion: I try to catch the bag of onions, but seeing as I'm still a cheetah, my paws swat the bag over to Vespereris.
Vesperis : started to weep inconsolably at the sight of the evil onions. Bemused, Jen...
hineko : still covered n dripping in cerberus's drool, struggles over to hug Vesperis, while her cat attack e bag of onions, and looks like its in love wit e smell!
In the slimey frenzy, the Cerberus caught a whiff of the scratched onions and immediately fell into a deep sleep... (finally...)
Vengence in her eyes, Vesperis took out a glistening knife (out of nowhere), determined to make onion rings snacks out of those damn onions. As the knife drew closer to the bag of onions, there was a sudden blinding flash and the onions spotted wickedly mischievous faces.
Bobbing around, the onion monsters started ferocious attacks on the adventurers, all the while emiting poisonous gases. Desperately trying to ignore the tears of irritation in their eyes, the adventurers gear up for their first battle.
stunfish: i use my fire extinguisher to spray foam at them, disabling their gaseous excretion!
hineko: then i tried to jump n kick 1 of e evil onion monsters but slip on some of stunfish's fire extinguisher foam, n knock into Darthvid!
The Circle of Doom gang found themselves caught in the most perilous of circumstances sooner than anyone expected. Will they ever get out of this tearful situation?

to be continued...
Darthvid: picks himself up and sends his pet skull, which goes around biting the onions to bits.. The skull is unaffected by the onions' 'tear gas' cos it has no eyes to cry from...