Sunday, November 30, 2003

Dependent:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Quiz Me
David Low was
a Wild B Movie Star
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

Hey, so is this good or bad? Does it explain my weird British accent??

Quiz Me
Jeremy Goh was
an Athletic Poker Player
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me


Saturday, November 29, 2003

Can't get into the chirstmas spirit?
Try throwing santa!
It might just help...

shots from RO... quirks.

me, yj and... jen...

in the arena... tried to poison everyone but yj is too immuned.... XP

Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 28, 2003

That is not funny anymore. It's tragic and ironic, but I seem to be the bane of my own life, wherever I go, whatever I do. I am the anti-thesis and undoing of my very self, and therefore by right should not even be existent. It is therefore, from what I can conclude, that some greater mysterious forces binds my multiple selves together if not I would have already spontaneously combusted into tinyer Woo Dinks. I shall thus name this mysterious force the Dinking Factor.

Just a reminder for all you people who don't have the wonderful Army to serve and still have a social life. I repeat, social life... This is from Singapore Anime News,

"The Media Development Authority (MDA) is organising a Japanese Animation Public Symposium on Friday, 5 December 2003 at Meeting Room 325-326, Level 3 at the Suntec International Convention and Exhibition Centre from 7 30pm to 9pm. The event is held as part of the Asia Media Festival 2003.

The theme of the public symposium is on the Japanese art form of anime and manga, and distinguished experts from leading animation production companies have been invited to share their knowledge and expertise. The speakers include; Mr Masami Esaka, from ComixWave Co, Mr Hidenori Oyama of Toei Animation and Mr Masakazu Kubo of Shogakukan Inc.

The event is open to the public at $20 per adult and $10 per student."

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Today's Quote of the Day...courtesy of me to Woo Dink after spilling Apple tea on me...

"You have shot every form of liquid at me except for your own jizz"

Bonus Quote,

"Hey, if I kick a bird, do you think it can still fly?"
Reply: ".......Do you even think you can get near a bird!?"

Wednesday, November 26, 2003


terrorist: Fatin'ma Bhutti

P.A.M.E.L.A : Positronic Artificial Machine Engineered for Logical Assassination (WOOOHOOO!!!!! NINJAAAA!!!!!)

Jedi: LANPA CEWOO of the planet vitamin c.... wat the.......

porn.....Mary Jane Blue.......

Fellatio Shizzlemah... hahahaha... shizzle...

Misinterpreted Whisperer

Hisao Ohashi-san of Konoha no Gakure!!!!! YOSH!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Do me do me!

Come define what is Woo Dink! The answers will simply be... Unthinkable!

I found Nemo. Somehow... sadly...

Monday, November 24, 2003

[ D.A.V.I.D - L.O.W ]

Digital Artificial Variant Intended for Dangerous Learning and Online Warfare

[ W.O.O - D.I.N.K ]

Wireless Obedient Organism Designed for Infiltration and Nocturnal Killing

In layman terms, "dysfunctional".

Darkanzali Al'boobslim

J.E.R.E.M.Y.: Journeying Electronic Replicant Engineered for Mathematics and Yardwork

Foster Slick

Tempestuous G

Freely Laughing Magician

Shichiroji Maruyama -san

.....hmm Tempestuous G sounds kinda cool =P

Sunday, November 23, 2003


- What is the Movietix? -

Trinity: "Wake up, Neo"
Morpheus: "It has begun. The THX is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very theatre..."
Trinity: "What's wrong, Neo?"
Neo: "D-Did you see that?"
Trinity: "See what?"
Neo: "That trailer... it just replayed itself. What is it?"
Trinity: "A replay is usually a glitch in the movies. It happens when they change something"
Morpheus: "Something's wrong..."
Neo: "Brother Bear? I thought we were watching Return of the King"
Morpheus: "They've changed the movie..."
Agent Smith: "Mr Anderson... We meet again..."
Neo: "No... This can't be..."
Agent Smith: "Yes Mr Anderson... and you obstructing my view of this... Disney animated feature... Why don't you step aside, and you can share this box of consumable popcorn?"
Neo: "Wow, that sounds like a really good deal. But I think I've got a better one. Why don't I give you the finger....and you give me my movie."

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by

I feel gay now. Rock my muneni.

That was extremely disturbing yet strangely funny....

And why caucasian bastards?? you saying we're not good enough for indians?!? are ya racist or something?! huh huh!?


You must present something of equal value to gain something. That is the principle of equivalent trade in alchemy

Mr Pothead sir! I Woo Dink the house elf is interested in your books sir! T-They is all very nice indeed sir. You must not think no one bothers about your books sir, for it is not true!

Woo Dink will now sing a song for you Mr Pothead! So you will not feel so lonely anymore! And yes Woo Dink be good house elf and cook all your hamsters and owls! BAD HAMSTERS! BAD HAMSTERS! *clubs a cage of hamsters with a giant dough roller* Woo Dink make good hamster puree!

Hamsters make good ham,
Mmm mmm!
And owls nmake great bowls!
Hmm mmm!
Just smash them with a SLAM!
Whoo ooo!
Squashing critters and fowl!
Whee eee!

Come on Mr Pothead sir, dance along with Woo Dink!

for a moment there i 'forgot' where Paragon was in Ragnarok......

Today's quote of the day...courtesy of Woo Dink

"We shall go to Paragon, then the Hello Shop, then get raped by indian workers....cause it's the only thing we can do in uniform"

You must present something of equal value to gain something. That is the principle of equivalent trade in alchemy

Friday, November 21, 2003

lol... u live up to ur role...

S.T.U.P.I.D : "All your ASS are belong to us!!!"

Thursday, November 20, 2003

In an effort to further improve SAF Ground Infantry out-field performance and tactical movements, the Army are issuing Anal Silencers to every NSmen during such exercises. Spokesperson Prof. Derwhut Dat for the Secret Technology & Utilities Project Initiative Department (S.T.U.P.I.D) explains that, "these new anal silencers will be able to provide our soldiers with much greater cover and concealment than before by muffling sounds emitted during the daily routines of defaeceation, moreover, its built-in deodourizer helps elminate any scent traces that may reveal the tactical position of our personnel." But it doesn't end there, S.T.U.P.I.D are currently developing a flare-supressor to complete the system.

"However soldiers still run the risk of being discovered by the enemy in times of war when their faeces make contact with the surrounding terrain," elaborates Prof. Derwhut Dat, "Such raucous jettisoning of unwanted bodily matter is uncalled for and must be eliminated." Thus with the aid of the revolutionary Anal Silencers, NSmen are also issued Muted Excrementation Silent Stool(M.E.S.S) pills. The result - Stealth Shit.

"We were initially overwhelmed by these painful conundrums, but now we are proud to say that our NSmen will be out there in the field, confident and at ease with their bowel movements," says Prof Derwhut Dat.

Once upon a time,
There lived a little cat
Woe met this feline
It couldn't release its scat

Soon thereafter,
Viruses bred,
Call it a disaster,
Infection did spread

Oddly it seems,
Worse hit - its foot,
Villagers called him,
Pus in the boots.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

this is gonna be long.... Kudos to ~*Lord~Of~Winter*~! hehehehee...
Starring: Chidori é pet Picky, Jen as Firecat, me as myself, Yj as winter star, and her Lord....... XD
PS: the knight couldnt hear a thing me n jen said... those in italics are btwn yj n her lord knight. *thumbs up*

It all began with Yj's fetish for knights........

winter star : knight!
Envenom has failed
Envenom has failed
Firecat : looks like he is killing me
You have got Wild Boar's Mane 1
pyrofly : hahah
winter star : coco die funny oso
Firecat : they die cute
winter star : the thing will roll on its head first
winter star : then it died
pyrofly : lol
Chidori : I will start now!! Kazz...
winter star : c tat!
winter star : haha
Firecat : when u look at a coco they looks as if someone wants to steal their nut
pyrofly : lol
~*Lord~Of~Winter*~ : winter ??
winter star : y is he standin here
pyrofly : hahah
winter star : ?
pyrofly : WAHHHH
~*Lord~Of~Winter*~ : me is your lord
~*Lord~Of~Winter*~ : lol
pyrofly : *whistes*
winter star : oh man
Firecat : he toking to u!! woohoo
pyrofly : WOOHOOO!!!!
winter star : lord of winter
winter star : geez
~*Lord~Of~Winter*~ : hehe
Firecat : hahahah
winter star : hahahaha
pyrofly : i better go away
winter star : sheesh
Firecat : ya
~*Lord~Of~Winter*~ : btw cya
Chidori : Huh! I ate too much! It is amazing how much I can eat!
winter star : bye
pyrofly : hahahaha
pyrofly : awww
Firecat : hahaha lord of u
Firecat : hahahaha
winter star : lord of winter...
winter star : geez
Firecat : tats so true
winter star : i like tat nick!!!
winter star : muahahahaha
pyrofly : that was so romantic
winter star : but i don like his hair
pyrofly : hahaha
winter star : though its white
winter star : there goes my knight
pyrofly : hehehe
pyrofly : it was a nice moment
Firecat : they were meant to be together
pyrofly : XD
Firecat : both white hair
Firecat : knight and mage
winter star : i muz save conversation!!!
winter star : how do u save it!!!
Firecat : he rule the land u rule the sky
pyrofly : print screen lah
pyrofly : haha
winter star : i rem can save conversation
Firecat : there is a way i saw the command
winter star : i forgot!!!
C:\Program Files\Gravity\Ragnarok Online Eng\ScreenShot\screenIris263.jpg is Saved.
winter star : dam.n
winter star : i forgot to take pic juz now!!!
winter star : where is he!?!?!?
Firecat : i can find it i look
C:\Program Files\Gravity\Ragnarok Online Eng\ScreenShot\screenIris264.jpg is Saved.
pyrofly : hahahah
pyrofly : i print screen the conversation
winter star : couldnt find him
pyrofly : lol
Firecat : its '/savechat'

and so ends the somewat romantic tale.....


ok wat.... :p

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

This blog is dying!
what happen to all the thees and thous !?

badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
mushroom mushroom...

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

JOIN RAGNAROK!!!!! Come assist us! Me, WinterAstraea, Jen and Lord Amoeba, to kill spores and friggin' golems!!!!
it's a world full of monsters in there! HEEEEEELLLLPPPPP!!!!!!!

Woo Dink, get better soon n get back in Ragnarok! We need your help!!!