Next COD outing: Let's go Tamon!

Place: Tamon Japanese Restaurant (near jem's)
Time: As long as it takes??!!?!?(dinner)
*thinking of the hot, toasty riceballs... XO!!!*
Posted by stunfish~* @ 1:56 PM 1 comments
Well, I'm here just to make a confession. I did something really unforgiveable today, and basically betrayed the trust of my friends. I don't want to pass this apology off as just trying to gain a quick, "hey it's alright" and "forget about it" response. If I place myself in my friends' shoes, I'd probably feel the same. I would feel betrayed, and my trust for the said person would've been lost.
My words came out with little thought. They were insensitive and painful. Nothing's gonna change that. When I came to realise what I did, I felt immensely stupid. Cause I did it to a close friend of mine. I'm full of remorse now for what I did -the act of burning a bridges is a lot easier, and reckless, than having to build them with precision. I hope to mend the bridge I burnt gradually, and for now I'm terribly sorry.
I don't have any excuses for being a complete ass-wipe.
Posted by Unknown @ 11:05 PM 0 comments