Woo Dink was recently approached by an Amoeba, a biological single cell male organism who was baffled by an alien transmission - more specifically a Gurl. As you viewers out there of this Discovery Channel prime time late night special might have already hypothesized, male and female organisms relay encrypted messages to each other which are sometimes so complex that neither gender are able to decode the message, thereby generally resulting in behavioural & relational anomalies.
However, with the development of a new highly experimental device called the DecodeGurl Version 3.5 (made for male organism use only), Amoeba was able to fully reveal the encrypted alien message sent by Stun Fish to her fellow biological neighbours of various compositions and thus comprehend in its entirety what Stun Fish had to inform us about:
[[---DECODEGURL VER3.5---]]
...loading and translating original message body
...encrypted message in bold
...decoded message in italics
"hi all... "
- Hello everybody, this is serious...
"i will be away in camp from today onwards..."
- From this fateful day onwards, I will never ever be able to play RO again! OMG!
"dunno when i'll be back and if alive n in one piece."
- OMG!! OMG!!! >___<
"its been great knowing u all,"
- Please send me a laptop with wireless connection or something with RO installed and patched!
"gonna miss ya... T______T"
- Gonna miss my computer... X______X
"lol... just kidding..."
...an error has occurred in humanity
[[---DECODEGURL VER3.5---]]
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