Thursday, March 25, 2004

Uhh... firstly I'm sorry to about the death of Brac...
Uhh... secondly, hello to you strange people.
Uhh... thirdly, I'd like to point out that today's Thursday and there's nothing good to watch on TV.

Uhh... fourthly, I think you've met me before in poly, this is just a kind reminder that you did know me and you still should be able to have some vague recollection of a guy in straight jacket.

Uhh... fifthly, I can't believe that the RO expansion pack is only $2.
Uhh... sixthly, I am proud to say that I've gotten rid of another mindless gaming addiction.

Uhh... finally, I only brush my teeth in the morning and let the food scraps collect in my mouth until the very next morning. If I forget to brush that morning then they stay there till the next next morning. If I still don't brush my teeth by then, that day's breakfast would taste like breakfast 2 days ago.

That's all I have for today, if your finger is green, you should bite it off as soon as possible and tell the guy whom you bought that silverware spoon from that it did that to you. If he refuses to cover your medical fees, stuff the chewed off finger up his arse.

Binga Bonga Bing!

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