Monday, May 24, 2004

Woo Dink Strikes Again

Pyrofly's latest post just made my jaw drop. Of course, all this is probably some kind of freak coincidence, and being utterly insane and weird, bordering towards a schizo psycho, who knows what kind of crap connections I can think of next.

One of my... actually, I do only have "one" so, urm. Rephrase that, for the project I'm currently working on, it involves quite a bit of religious references in it. Like urm, Neon Genesis Evangelion - just that mine's not as pro and nerve-wrecking as theirs... And recently I've been reading into things like urm... Angels, saints and all these things. Saint Michael was one of the few names that came up. And when I read what Pyro posted, it was like... I dunno. Like a package that fell from the sky or something right in front of my face... I've actually copied down all the other information on the other Angels...

Next thing was the mention of "Barracuda" - which is basically what our section in camp has decided to name themselves... So, being a complete freak, my mind was already computing all the connections and linking completely irrevelant events together into something that would seem... like a freakish occurance. You think this is some kind of sign...? I dunno, I think I'm scaring myself... But anyway... I'm going to read about the Angels later, and FYI, my guardian angel is supposedly Saint Micheal, based on this super intelligent Java Scripting online celestial entity. I doubt really certain things in life can actually be laid out so nicely like horoscope things, but it was interesting though.

At any rate, if I do have a guardian angel, I hope I'm not causing too much trouble up there... I'm quite the klutz.

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