Sunday, June 20, 2004

I did this personality quiz twice to see if I might have answered something inaccurately... Results were still the same so I'm pretty much an ISFJ!*#&*. It's rather detailed and interesting to look at. I've got my own ability bar and technical specifications! Just like the Transformers toys do on the rear of their boxes!

Introverted (I) 57.69% Extroverted (E) 42.31%
Sensing (S) 54.76% Intuitive (N) 45.24%
Feeling (F) 73.53% Thinking (T) 26.47%
Judging (J) 64.29% Perceiving (P) 35.71%

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
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Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||||||||| 73%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||| 56%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||| 23%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||| 23%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||| 36%
Your Conscious-Surface type is 4w3
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 4w3
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