Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Pyrofly's Personality Test result title sounds like something out of the Matrix... "Architect"... Jeremy seems to fit the design line being the "Entertainer"... And I sound like some part of a toilet system or a new line of cleansing equipment...

Anyway I've been reading various topics here and there and bumped into this article about dreams. Personally I've experienced the first two phenomenon most frequently... and the last probably only once. Have you experienced anything else unusual in your dreams?

False awakening: In a false awakening, people who realize they are dreaming, suddenly dream that they have woken up. They believe they have left the dream and may start exiting their room, etc. They are actually dreaming so this is called a "false awakening". This is often a nemesis in the art of lucid dreaming because it usually causes people to give up their awareness of being in a dream, but it can also help someone to become lucid.

Sleep Paralysis: During REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in the brain, because otherwise the movements which occur in the dream would actually cause the body to move (the eyes are not paralyzed, which causes REM rapid eye movement itself). However, it is possible for this mechanism to be triggered before, during, or after normal sleep while the brain becomes awake. This leads to a state where a person is lying in their bed and they feel like they are frozen. Hallucinations may occur in this state, especially auditory ones. People also generally report feeling a crushing sensation on their chest. People trying to lucid dream often try to trigger this state in order to enter a lucid dream.

Transformations: Some people are able after much practice to transform themselves into real or fictional animals and claim to have tried 360 degree stereo vision, sonar (bat) vision etc.

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