What's with the low fat thing? I went to stock up groceries and was pretty disappointed when I couldn't find juz a plain normal cheese or natural yoghurt.. Same goes for milk... All I see are chemically processed LOW FAT cheese/milk, wierd mushrooms or garlic flavour cheese... I don't see how healthy fats are going to harm us.. Seriously, what's wrong with these vain ppl! Ended up buying plain party cheese cubes.. =.=
And then I was looking at the canned food tuna and was shocked to see permitted food colouring in Ayam's brand tuna spread... Tuna need food colouring...? =.=
I bought the salmon spread instead...
And lastly for those who don't eat veggies... U better start including those in ur diet now! We designers sure need that... Here's why..
"A study by Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston shows women who ate at least 8 servings of leafy greens and 5 of cruciferous veggies (broccoli & cauliflower) every week had better memory, verbal ability and attentiveness than those who seldom touch their vege. Wonder why u lack an eye for detail? Look to ur lunch plate for ur ans." - quoted fr Cleo mag
No problem for me... I like veggies... =^^=
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