Thursday, March 31, 2005

"More Midnight Madness details this time from Singapore, as TRU Stores open at Midnight around the world for the release of Revenge of the Sith Toys...

Midnight Madness will take place on the Night of the 1st into 2nd April at Toys R Us United Square Atrium. As with elsewhere in the world, there are a number of offers for attendees

Exclusive Offers to Customers:
1) The 1st 50 customers who purchase $100 & more of Hasbro Star Wars Episode III toys will receive a Star Wars Episode III Movie Teaser Poster and a limited edition Holographic Yoda.
2) The 1st 200 customer who purchase any Hasbro Star Wars Episode III toys, will receive a Star Wars Episode III Collector Poster (A2 size).
3) The 1st 50 customers who purchase $20 & more of M&M's Star Wars products will get an exclusive M&M's Star Wars Packaging Frame.
4) The 1 st 25 customers who purchase $100 & more of LEGO Star Wars toys will receive a limited edition C3PO keyring.
Terms & Conditions
1) Star Wars Episode III Movie Teaser Poster, limited edition Holographic Yoda and M&M's Star Wars Packaging Frame exclusive gifts are ONLY available during the Toys"R"Us United Square Atrium Midnight Sales on Friday, 1 April 2005 (12:00 midnight)
2) Star Wars Episode III Collector Poster (A2 size) exclusive gift available from Sat 2 April 2005 while stocks last.
3) All exclusive gifts are valid only one per customer/per receipt/per redemption.
4) All exclusive gift are while stocks last.

If you are going to a Midnight Madness event, be sure to send us pictures of the event afterwards... let's see how many countries we can get pictures from. Tell your friends!"

- Action

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