Friday, September 15, 2006

Great news everyone!!! tat cat tat was lost last week is back!!! I just found her on e 2nd floor!!omg!! so happy!!! she still smells like e shampoo i bath her last week! i hugged her so tight till she kinda 'meow' a dying meow lol~

haiz~ my 1 week of being daze n running off to find e cat whenever i thot i hear a meow is finally over!

now.... wait for a month or so too see if she pregnant.... this morning i saw a male cat near my place.... kittens anyone?


p7m13 said...

Wow congrats! Take care of her!!!

stunfish~* said...


erm my gerbs gonna give birth again tho'.. wanna do an experiment n put them together from young n see if they grow up w/o eating each other?

stunfish~* said...

... i mean w/o the cat eating the gerb. not like the gerb will eat the cat yea...

firecat said...

...... er... most likely my mother will abort e kittens.... but if they really born n put them together ... fluffy is really gentle so i dun think she will eat them... but if e kitten inherit from their father.... well... lets just say tat all e cats in my neighbourhood luv to eat rats.....